“You are BEAUTIFUL for you are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made.” Psalm 139:14
If there was one thing I would tell my 12-year-old self, it would be to appreciate my body for what it can do rather than what it looks like. I can’t even count how many times I cried myself to sleep wishing I had confidence, wishing I looked like somebody else. Even today the struggle is still there, but not the same.
I’ve learned that eating less will not make me happy but if anything makes me more unhappy and tired, I’ve learned that my pants size doesn’t change how beautiful I am, nor does the size of my nose or pimples on my face.
I would tell my 12-year-old self that beauty has no limits and that because I am created in God's image I AM beautiful. Not just because of what I look like but because of who I am and the woman that God has created me to be.
My confidence doesn’t come from how I look, (even though I still love to look nice), my confidence is in Christ because he made me into the woman I am today.
My prayer for anybody who reads this is that you see that in yourself.